History of the Seminary

History of the Seminary

The beginning of SFS Seminary is quite providential. It was at a time when few had heard about mission and missionary journey. In 1927 a young scholastic broke all barriers, dared to cross the boundaries of Kerala to join the Visakahapatnam mission. This young man was Br. Philip Kudakachira. In the same year another young man, a student of theology at Magalapuzha Seminary braved all obstacles, ecclesiastical and domestic, and succeeded in becoming a missionary, the first missionary priest in the vast Visakhapatnam mission. This was Bro. George vayalil from Bharanaganam. This marked a turning point in the history of mission vovations from Kerala. After his ordination Fr. George Vayalil became a vocation promoter not only of men but also of women religious. After seventeen years of Zealous and arduous mission work in different stations of Visakhapatanam missioin, Fr. George had to retrun to his home state in 1947 being almost incapacitated by a prolonged illness.
In 1956 Fr. George Vayalil along with Fr. Abraham Puthenkalam of Nagpur Provice, who wa then managing an apostolic shool at Kottayam, decided to start a minor seminary in Kerala exclusively for the tow province of the MSFS in India. In May 1956, when Fr. K. E. Zacharias, the then regional superor of the MSFS of the visakhapatanam Region was discussin with Fr. George and Fr. Abraham about the possibilities of purchasing some land in Kerala for a minor seminary, he infored them anout a piece of land that was avialbel at Arumanoor. Thus Mount Mary seminary was built with the support of the local people and the financial assistance from Visakhaptanam and Nagpur provices. Six of the second year minor seminary students who were at Palai were brought to Mount Mary Semianry, Arumanoor. For nearly ten years the seminary was ssponsored by Rt. Rev. Dr. J Baud MSFS Bishop of Visakhapatanam, as the minor seminary of the diocese of Visakhaptana, since students were recruited and trained for the diocese. The bishop recommende for a subsidy from Rome. The subsidy together with the fund collected by Fr. George through his ministry in different parishes of Kerala helped the running of the seiminary and its maintenance. The balance money as deposited in the Palai central Bank.

On an unexpected day the media broke the terrible news that the Palai Central Bank was on the liquidation list. It was a shocking news for thousands of depositors especially to Fr. George vayalil who was only one of them but the one who was most affected by the liquidation. When all the deposits in Palai Central Bank were frozen the seminarians had to depened for their daily sustenance partly on the American bulgar wheat and cornflour. The desperate and pathetic financial situation he was in , Fr. George explained to a pen- friend of his in Rome. She in turn sent a small donation for immediate relief and published a write up in some catholic periodicals in Europe about the sad plight of Fr. George, his co- workers and the young seminarians. She also wrote to different funding agencies of help. Soon generous beenfactors came forward to the hep of the seminary. During this period Fr. Abraham Puthenkala, Kkurian Aranjanil and Philip Shouiamkuzhy were Fr. George’s companions and co-workers to witness and share his woes and burdens.


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The globe symbolizes the whole universe to which a Fransalin has a greater mission

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SFS Seminary envisions to inspire the young hearts with love for Jesus and for his mission

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SFS Seminary envisions to inspire the young hearts with love for Jesus and for his mission

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